Displaying and Using I-t Plots

When 3D_Amp data is collected for a sample, I-t Plots can be displayed in the Integration window.

Displaying I-t Plots

  1. Open the sample in the Integration window (see Opening a Sample).

  2. Select Show I-t Plots on the View menu or click the following icon on the Method toolbar:

Two types of I-t plots can be displayed:


3D amperometry data collection is available only with the ED electrochemical detector running in integrated amperometry mode. The Chromeleon PC must also have the 3D Data Acquisition license. To turn on collection of 3D amperometry data, enable the 3D_Amp channel on the ED Options tab page of the Program Wizard or PGM Editor.

I-t plots can also be displayed in the QNT Editor. Plot types and other options are the same as for I-t plots displayed in the Integration window.

Background subtraction is always performed on I-t plots displayed in the Integration and QNT Editor windows.

For more information, refer to:

Displaying Peak I-t Plots

Displaying and Overlaying Time I-t Plots

 Displaying Difference, 1st Derivative, or 2nd Derivative I-t Plots